Friday, July 11, 2014

Preparations and Prayers for our small part of a very long journey for Washington.

Welcome back to our story at hand! There is much to share, and also much to ask of you.

Our band of volunteers is now 47 people strong, representing five congregations from the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council. Hope Lutheran Church, Kingswood United Methodist Church, Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Temple Chai and White Stone Church.

Some things to watch as you follow our story are how we bring together diverse ages, experiences and faith backgrounds to help our neighbors. We also bring an assortment of people.Some have experienced several mission / service trips, others have never seen the need for help such as this up close. Follow along with open eyes and hearts. Try to see yourself in the shoes of both our workers, and those who were affected by the destruction.

We have been in contact with several representatives of the people of Washington, Illinois, and have narrowed our work projects a bit, though the plans will be fluid until just before we leave. It looks like we will be (1) clearing a farm field so crops can be planted, (2) removing or replacing fence posts, and (3) building playground equipment or sheds to help people in the area start living their lives more normally again. As you can see from the photos, below, there is MUCH work yet to do, and some residents have even given up, leaving the area in an even worse economic position.

Please pray for the people of Washington, and enjoy following our journey as we try to help. Even just a little bit.

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