One of the homes left as it was on November 18th! |
Welcome to Washington! We've made it to the site of November's tornado, driving through the neighborhood, seeing a lot of construction but also just as much destruction still remaining. We saw contractors from all over, working on many houses damaged or destroyed. We also saw many foundations, and even some houses damaged and not even touched!
Photos from Bob & Allison's album, comparing
their farm, before and after the storm. |
Arriving at our work site, we were greeted by Pastor Gary, our connection through Tom C, who introduced us to Bob and Allison who owned the farm on which we would work. They shared the story of Bob's family owning the farm several generations, how they survived previous tornado's, and how this one just about ended the family tradition. Bob is a Lay Pastor, so he and Allison were 30 minutes away the morning of Sunday, November 17th, watching the storm from a distance as he led worship. On their way home, they received many calls, initially of concern, and as they got closer, offering bad news about the condition of their farm. More than one of those they talked with said simply "It's all gone!" They had many great stories to share, and were sure to work side by side with our crew to show their appreciation of the help we offer this week. As a point of irony, Bob preached on the verse from Luke, found at the end of today's blog contribution.
Our task, as we accepted it, was to clear the field so it could be planted. As we've seen so many times in aerial photos of large groups combing a field, we formed a long line to pick up anything that would interfere with crops. Nails, large shards of wood, roofing and siding, and any inorganic materials we could find. Some of what we found was very moving, and too much to share at this time. We'll continue collecting unique and personal items, and will share them with you at one of our follow up presentations. Please keep an eye out for a traveling Interfaith Washington road show, coming to a congregation near you! ;-)
Picking up shingles, siding, wood, insulation, and other inorganic materials. ;-) |
After our day of labor under a beautiful blue and cotton sky, we shared a meal and reflections on our day. Rabbi Cohen shared the motivation of our call to Justice as we read in Deuteronomy 16:20, Pastor Schlichting pointed out that we act in response to God's gifts already given, and Pastor Halls guided us into reflecting our experiences with one another in smaller groups. Danny K offered a word of closing prayer, so our first day was brought to a fulfilling and encouraging close.
“As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down.” Luke 21:6
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