Thursday, February 5, 2015

A new mission to Brookport, Illinois!

Welcome back to the Mission site of the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council!

Our next trip is now scheduled! Please join us, in person or in prayer, as we plan to serve another community affected by the deadly tornadoes of November 17th, 2013. This community is in Brookport, Illinois, which is just across the Ohio river from Paducah, Kentucky. Three people were killed in this town alone.

We will journey to Brookport July 15th through 19th this year, and will be working with a group called Massac & Pope County Recovery Committee (MPCRC). They have made a lot of progress in cleaning up from the deadly storms, with over 50 work groups from 17 states offering skills and manpower. The people of Brookport have shared that these work groups have come as a blessing to their community. There is still a lot of work to be done, and a call is out for volunteers, both skilled and unskilled, to continue helping with the reconstruction.

There is a great article regarding the status of recovery efforts in town:
WSILTV News Article 

Please follow along our journey, or consider joining our team! There are four congregations committed, and others ready to join! You can contact the following congregations to help, or encourage your own if it is part of the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council:

  • Hope Lutheran Church
  • Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Temple Chai
  • White Stone Church 
We look forward to another trip, offering help to those in need, and coming back changed in our own faith lives. Please follow along, and consider supporting us with your talents and passions.